
Sunset of a cool summer

Orange  color dress ......she looks like an Australian Orange today.I dint look at her deliberately but just tried to look at her.I cant say how she looks today but damn sure that she is as pretty as a little white  Lilly flower. She resembles an orange sunset that says 'Hey  Moon  go on ...I am here to see you in the morning'

Loving Live

A big day for all and India vs Pak cricket so a big day for India.
Afternoon in cafeteria I have seen her  she was kool today.I dint feel like eating much as I had lots of sweets.I feel like giving her a sweet but how  should I introduce me to her?She dint even know me yet.Seems she is also fond of cricket so she stayed back in cafeteria for sometime.I sat right behind her watching her all the time.Today i was about to talk to her and i've created a situation for that but some where something wrong happened and everything got messed up suddenly.after India scored 100 runs she left .She is watching the match just to enjoy the play,I am watching the match just to catch her sight.
one  scene with different notions.

A snow strom in a dark island

The girl is in white dress and looks like a white peacock.Morning  i couldn't find her but evening i was a bit cloudy so  a little bit darker in the cafeteria but her appearance   has generated thousand volts flash lightning  over there.All the people there were busy in watching srilanka Vs Newzealand match except me.I know why? But don't know What? and when? It was like a snow storm in a dark island

Ohh GOD !!! She swept me off my feet....

Just now  I have been  to the cafeteria as the colleague called me .She was there.Today I feel like going with her.Went to ground floor (don't know if she gets in to the same lift but my luck says YES)  gets into an elevator and presses 1 and then 6 so that i can pick her up in 1 st floor.She got in.We both are standing at opposite  corners diagonally.I kept on staring at her.what i miracle she is damnnnnnn !!beautiful than I have expected.Its..its like a magical moment for me ..Really a wonderful experience... being with her in that elevator .. it feels like we are the two people in a world  of elevators....haaaaaa

what can I say... she swept me off my feet .

A prize for everyone!!!

Its coming in two days..... The world is waiting for this... Its the day that  started creating history... its the day that every human feels proud of ..its the day that ????....... no more words.. just wait n see

The art of ignoring

Its been a long gap  since the last post.Was tired for the last three days because of team outing on friday.It was really a "FRY" day.Today she came in some color less colored dress  but its really good.I feel like she is ignoring me  coz  she dint even looked at me,smiled at me or atleast dint even give a angry look .It would be nice if she had done some thing coz  every expression is perfectly suited for this girl's face.So i dont want to see her face without any expression.I am thinking that it will be good if i give some time to her to get some kind of feel about me.....

There is a woman behind every man!!!!

She sat right behind me..... its a position which i can not see unless i turn my head about 180 degrees.
Green dress on a Thursday, make mine a great day!!.I finished my lunch and stood up just to see her, but she is interested in eating lunch than selling  a smile to me.But I know her subconscious mind's frontal lobe which holds short term memory of events thinking about my presence over there.One of my colleague lost his carrier bag  so was in search of that.Don't know what they are doing may be mocking at me???
I am the red in the rose, the flowers
on the blankets on your bedroom floor....

I am the green in the grass that bends back
from underneath your feet....

And I am the blue in the back alley view
where the horizon and the rooftops meet....

Gone in 60 seconds

Just now feel like going to cafeteria .As my wild guess always says she is there...yes she is.....
I started pretending like  watching the Pakisthan vs Westindies cricket match.I thought she would be there for some more time but by the time i checked out the bakery  she left .I could see only the  dress passing by.
Unexpected ending for today's expectation .she left the place  like a never return angel with unstoppable wings!!!

Pink mania

Again pink flowers on a white dress.I found her when i was about to leave cafeteria.Today i dint feel like going  near the lake so i relaxed at the lawn out side the office building.Its hot outside  so thought of going to library   which is surrounded by paper made books which are good absorbent of heat so definitely keeps me kool.i opened a book called "The Bangalore"  a small tree with full of pink flowers appeared.I Closed my eyes to escape this pink fever.. instead of seeing dark i m seeing pink colour  ..ohh god .. got back to the desk

Pink Panther

Pink  chudidar with white combination...    suites well for this girl.Today she is a little more interesting.. but  oflate i am not  looking at her.may be sivthuiejhjgjghjghuiyybvhjmsldiutercve   ...cant even express in words.But she is cute today even from a long distance.

Evening my sixth sense worked so fast so I went there with the colleague.. as I guess she is there  but with some pink shirt guy.. may be brother....???
One thing i couldn't understand is  she is still cute ... how come a girl can be cute all the day????

There's a beautiful, pink flower in my garden.
A beautiful, pink rose that blooms every year.
Its leaves are rough and pointy at the ends,
With many designs going every which way.
Its thorns are sharp like the blade of a knife,
Looking threatening as they stick out of the stem.

To me,

This beautiful pink rose symbolizes the beginning of Spring.
The beginning of a new day, a new year.

Missing the miss in 4 th floor

Today I am not feeling well.. caught cold last night and a bit of headache.Even she is in cafeteria i couldn't see.Evening went to tea at 5:55 PM .while returning to floor  it stopped in 4 th floor.When the door was about to close  , i found that she is in the lobby waiting to go down.Just missed .. some times it happens after all with out missing something we ll never know the value when we get it.

Drink lots of water in Summer when you are thirsty

Today i went to lunch  little bit late like 15 min.She 's already there sitting at thentrance  i mean not exactly there somewhat near to entrance.May be she thinks that its the easy way to escape from me.. or what..Our great colleagues sat outside where we dont even feel like eating if we see the girls outside.I have finished my lunch so fast.. by the time i return she is still there as if she wanted to see me.
I took the glass of water  at near by water filter and started drinking  one glass after another ..just to say that I can spend all my life drinking water seeing the girl...

Have seen super moon so soon

Big day for me.........Today i went to cafetaria... searching for her. She came and dint find any vacant seats..searching searching.. finally got some in front of me.. slightly at 1:10  Clk.Guess this is the first time she is sitting so closer ...felt like a flower encounter from a point blank( meaning Make sense or nonsense).. any way

day by day getting closer 
step by step making me boozer
summer becomes like a hot geiser
becareful and don't let me a loser....... wow... what a poetry... its amazing..

Back to work again from friend's marriage

Was on vacation for the last three days,got back in the morning ....Her status show yellow means thought she wouldn't come today.But got surprised to see her in cafeteria all of a sudden.Any way nice to see her after  some gap.She is looking for a place to sit and have lunch with her friend ... by the time we vacated she found some empty seats some where.

Missing my elevator

We went outside to have lunch.I was looking for a way to see her today.seems theres gonna be no way today...
Nice andhra meals......after a long time...

I got to the cafetaria usual my 6th sense started working and she is there if she is waiting for me.I have taken a grape juice which i am used to recently..they moved to wash room.. i skip them and then droped at lift lobby,acting as if i m lacing my shoe.I ve been waiting waiting... but how long i have two legs so  only two shoes.. Just got into one elevator thinking that she is in,but it wasn't.I got to 6 th floor missing a elevator journey with her.Again went back to 1 st floor only to see that shes getting into a lift and the door closed even before i get in.

Everlasting elevator

Got to the cafetaria as per the instructions given by a colleague.Ahhh!!! she is out there!!!.Again with the guy(brother i hope).Hope my colleague will be suspected soon... They are going........we are about to leave as soon as they did.Got into the same elevator with some difficulty.. i don't know why ..i dint even look at her...donno what exactly happened to me...all the time and all the way i was playing on the mobile phone buttons as if i got some important call....shut... next time i wouldn't do the same..

Out side lunch made me miss you so much....!!!!

Today i dint get a chance to see her.We all went to lunch outside.Even my 6 th sense dint workedout today.. Total bad luck....may be i ll see her tomorrow.

Fear keeps you in cubicle...Hope sets you find everything..

Evening one of my colleague asked me to accompany for tea.I just checked  her presence ..its blue means away.
I dont know y but most of the time my sixth sense works.This time no exception ....i ve found her in Green colour dress....Thanks to my 6th sense...

No see its like Deep Sea

Today , i couldn't see her.Don't know where she was.But she is online (status shows green).
Hope to see her at least by evening .

Madam...You need any loan ??....!!!

My next cubicle was empty for the day.I thought i would make a call  to her.Got her number and dialled her."Hello","Hello" she said.........I said  " Hi madam ,we are calling from HDFC bank,Do you need any personal loans we are offering at very low interest rates".."No  i dont want" she said. Thank you maam.....put down the phone.I said to myself" Great job dude"  well done..

Any way we had a call over phone.

At 10' O Clock

Went to lunch in cafetaria.As soon as i entered i ve started looking for her but i couldn't find.Ok .. let finish the lunch first.The colleague told me that she is at 10'O clock at me.I looked at 10,O clk,11'O clk even at 12'o Clk.

 I couldnt see her properly,some other girl came in between.Any way seems she was busy eating or talking to someone i thought lets go .
hey today i got an ODD number in my stone skips...haha

10 ' o Clk: Stretch out your left hand ,and think that you are facing at 12o clk . Now move your left hand a little bit forward by a foot .this is 10'o Clk.

Just got the chance!!

I was  doing some work in office yesterday and got a call from one of my colleague  "Hey buddy can u come to cafeteria in 2 min?".I got to know the reason without asking more i went there.She is sitting with some body(may be brother) and taking snacks.She saw me. she might get a doubt on the colleague who called me.I was looking at her she is not looking at me..after some time she looked at me.I looked at my colleague he looked at the girl,she looked  at the other guy,he looked at my colleague  ,she looked at me  i looked at her.

She got up and about to leave.she was passing by.. like a smooth breeze  going from south to north...she left.

Journey to the 6th floor sometimes seems like flying..

One day i went to cafetaria in the evening.Nothing to eat but got someone to have tea with.saw her at one of the tables... wish i w'd  talk to her.Some one from our table knows her.May be right time to travel now.
Elevator  ......  daily i scold the people who press all the buttons and makes the elevator journey slow..but  now i feel like some one should press all the buttons ..or better stop the elevator control for sometime..
 Two floors below mine...  first time looking at her from a close from 30 - 45 cm distance.Great ...its damn kool..4 th floor ting.... it happened in a flick of time   we came to 4 th floor very fast.. and the next two floors.. it took hell out of time... still travelling.....

Count your skips before throwing stones...

Is it possible for  someone to change their smile on the second day it self ? May be or May be not...
Sometimes I feel like a psycho...may be or may not be .. but most of the times i feel like what I am...?(doesn't change the meaning????).Who is she?  what is she?  Why she got a pretty smile? may be these questions made me a psycho.

Everytime i throw stone skips i ll count the number of steps..odd or even  say .. will i be able to see her tomorrow or not.....see her or not ... see her or not...
 sometimes  gets me even number but most of the times odd number...

Six smiles can keep you stare...

One day i was going to eays have started staring at someone.. i dint know y...but  knew that it was her smile kept me staring.Felt like some hot rain drenched me on a winter night.
one..two..three..four..five..six...............  smiled six times... but i looked at her only one time..starting from the first smile till sixth..