
Pink Panther

Pink  chudidar with white combination...    suites well for this girl.Today she is a little more interesting.. but  oflate i am not  looking at her.may be sivthuiejhjgjghjghuiyybvhjmsldiutercve   ...cant even express in words.But she is cute today even from a long distance.

Evening my sixth sense worked so fast so I went there with the colleague.. as I guess she is there  but with some pink shirt guy.. may be brother....???
One thing i couldn't understand is  she is still cute ... how come a girl can be cute all the day????

There's a beautiful, pink flower in my garden.
A beautiful, pink rose that blooms every year.
Its leaves are rough and pointy at the ends,
With many designs going every which way.
Its thorns are sharp like the blade of a knife,
Looking threatening as they stick out of the stem.

To me,

This beautiful pink rose symbolizes the beginning of Spring.
The beginning of a new day, a new year.