
Am I dreaming !!!!??????

"Everything looks  beautiful and precious when they are going out of your hand."......Its the fact of every life .She is looking more happier,smarter and more pretty than she was  .She is in white chudidar with pink and violet designs on that.Some times I feel that we are not miles apart to see each other.. some other  times I feel that we are worlds apart to see each other...but what ever I feel at the end its all the same ... we are 20 table widths apart and the world is confined to  70 feet long cafeteria .Still we are strangers.I don't know what i think about her but   all I can say is.. She is like a Beautiful imaginary flower in my world of real dreams...

Feeling Blue...

She is in my favorite color dress BLUE.I like this color a lot.Almost 3 out of five days in a week I wear blue dress.Its first time I am seeing her in blue dress.She looks really kool.
Now a days I am feeling blue  thinking about her.Knew the reason... but it is inevitable .

Bumble bee

Yellow yellow  Beautifullo....lei รจ davvero bella   means  "she is really beautiful "in Italian .Day after day she is getting more beautiful than the previous day.Today I have seen her ,when I was about to leave that place i have seen her sitting  at the same pillar where she used to sit most of the times.Till now dint get a chance to talk to her.Thank god !! He has given me eyes  .. those doesn't need any permission to look at her.She looks like a bumble bee today...

Yellow are the taxi tops
the butterflies and bumblebees
and falling leaves.

Yellow are the mustard fields
the colour of banana peel that
I stepped on and tripped

Yellow is for sun
ornaments of gold,
colour of papers
  that are preserved and old.

Well known Stranger or unknown Friend????

Cream color I guess.. well I don't have much knowledge about colors ...but I am good at describing them.So it was like the fur color of a  Golden retriever puppy.She sat at 10:55 to me.I dint have much to say.. as I have said everything I could  about this girl.Well in few more days this daily blog is gonna be closed I guess for some reason.But before that I just want to talk to her at least once about anything... say the color of sky is blue,Clouds are always floating, Grapes are good for health,Venice city is beautiful to visit... like anything.. all that I need is a Situation to speak to her.I would rather let her go by like an unknown friend than  a well known stranger .

I see this Comet 5 days a week

She is in Pink just like the color of her cheeks when she smiles.Today for some reason I could not see her though she sat at 11:55 to me.Now a days I could see a huge competition for this girl  and the worst part is I might be out of the race in another 20 days I guess.There is a comet called Halley appears from earth for every 76 yrs..but for me this beautiful little star last for only 184 Days.I dont know if I can see this star after wards or may be I ll meet this star some where in my life....Coz I believe that Halley would definitely come in another 76 yrs............

Hum Hain Rahi Pyar Ke Phir Milenge Chalte Chalte



Smile with your Eyes !!!

She was already there Even before I did.There is something  special in this girl today...something  quite different from others.. and only unique to her.....whats that ???  whats that ???  Yes ..Got it....its her eyes.

She smiles with her eyes ....yes .. its true.. You don't believe me  If I say this but its true.She casts a magical fragrance through her eyes.Her green dress reflects in her eyes and she looks like a green eyed girl .Its very dangerous to look in to her eyes directly... they can sweep you off your feet and you will never get up !!!!
The best part is she can play any expression on her face and still looks beautiful...

Some times words are not enough !!!!!

Black and White   ..not exactly but close to something like that.May be she wants me not  to be able to identify the color of her dress.So far I   am just writing about her dress colors.I never try explain how she looks because   ...... "We don't need some beautiful words to explain  real pretty things.Its pretty by its nature".The first thing anyone should observe in her is her Smile.... such a beautiful smile  I have seen seldom.I have read a book "101 Things to do Before you Die"... I would say "The Only one smile to see before You Die". There was a Guy named WilliamWordsworth in 1795 said Daffodil flowers are the most beautiful thing on earth.If he had been  here now, then he would have agreed that he was absolutely wrong.

Well ...Its not a long way to Go

She is in RED .. looks like a RED Coral under the sea where clown fishes used to stay.I dint expect to see her today but it happened unexpectedly.May be in few more days i will not be able to see her over here..... the reason was .. an incident that happened yesterday at 4:30PM afternoon.Every journey comes to an end but I  never expected  this  journey to end so soon.Well anyway It s  gonna be the best moment in my journey..

Its a World of Black n White.

She is in Black & white combination.... I like the color Black a lot.Some people say Black is a bad color..actually its not that.Black  means absence of colors.So People who believe  the above are not prepared to see the world in Black and White.But some times Black and White shows the real colors in Life.

Green ,Greener Greenest

Every summer is going to be hotter than the previous one,Ofcourse you know the reason Ozone depletion.People say Go Green but they dont do that.People say plant trees but they dont plant.Thank god!!  atleast she is trying to save the human race through Green revolution.My wild guess says .. she always wears same color dress on two days in sequential .And she likes Green,pink,, light colors so she must be inclined towards smooth mentality.Any way she is more beautiful than yesterday just like the summer.

Green, green and green

I want a holiday with a scene

Of green, green and green

A summer of green trees

A landscape of green grass
A view full of green vegetables

The colour green

Is a beauty that must be seen!
From a moving vehicles screen

So for green, green and green
I will travel continents across and in-between
And also to any place that I have never been
I will make it routine
Just to see green, green and green

American SPY

She is damn beautiful in green dress today.Perhaps that could be the reason that made me looked at her after many days.I don't want to stare at her coz once i do .. i cant escape from her sight.So  oflate I am used to look at her  like a spy...

Gold in Black

She is in Black dress with some yellowish designs on that.these designs seems  very old design and i have seen this kind of design when i was a kid.When ever I go to shopping with my mom  i used to stare at the designs on the sarees.

Angry ??? Smiling???

I dont know if she is around... but when one of my colleague told me she is there   ..i ve just looked at her.All that i could see was an angry face with a smile on it.

Exactly but not Absolutely

I don't want to know , where she is ? My eyes stopped searching for her for some time.But mind was still pursuing  her signs.I know where she is now but don't want to let my eyes stare at her.
So practically i don't know weather i m seeing her.

Run 2K11

After a long time like 3 days  seeing her for the first time today in Cafeteria ..she is in her favorite color dress ..Dint feel like looking at her.Thought of avoiding her  for some time (In fact  i feel like being avoided by her for some time).Got a shocking newzzzzz!!!  Till today i thought i was the only guy.... who follows her ..but the truth is there are many  and the worst part is they all are around me.Don't know if she can find it or not but let the game continue...... why to let other players got off from the track. So its getting more tough than I thought.....!

Its a Rainy summer

Evening I went to cafeteria  .. and about at 5: 25 PM... its cloudy out side.....We were sitting outside  corridor .Suddenly it started  raining and more and more even more .... now its raining heavily. Its great to have a rain in hot summer in became so chilly and started smelling  like delicious... i usually call this smell delicious as i like it!!!.

We came inside she was out there!!!!! There i found the element of surprise..  that's why it started raining .. what a miracle... I ve got away with a feeling like the  .. heat  got away with cool rain...


Idint see it.Did I????? damn right I dint see it way how come its possible to miss it.May be i might have seen but forgot that i have .Is this hallucination ? or illusion ? Imagination?
 These are the questions strike my mind when ever i leave cafeteria after seeing her.These are just to make sure that I have seen her.Guess her favorite color is PINK .. most of the times she wears some pink color dress and even today.Well i have seen her but not clearly ? of course absolutely but not exactly? hmm..ouchhh.. I am utterly confused today...May be Brain fog??????