
Journey to the 6th floor sometimes seems like flying..

One day i went to cafetaria in the evening.Nothing to eat but got someone to have tea with.saw her at one of the tables... wish i w'd  talk to her.Some one from our table knows her.May be right time to travel now.
Elevator  ......  daily i scold the people who press all the buttons and makes the elevator journey slow..but  now i feel like some one should press all the buttons ..or better stop the elevator control for sometime..
 Two floors below mine...  first time looking at her from a close from 30 - 45 cm distance.Great ...its damn kool..4 th floor ting.... it happened in a flick of time   we came to 4 th floor very fast.. and the next two floors.. it took hell out of time... still travelling.....

Count your skips before throwing stones...

Is it possible for  someone to change their smile on the second day it self ? May be or May be not...
Sometimes I feel like a psycho...may be or may not be .. but most of the times i feel like what I am...?(doesn't change the meaning????).Who is she?  what is she?  Why she got a pretty smile? may be these questions made me a psycho.

Everytime i throw stone skips i ll count the number of steps..odd or even  say .. will i be able to see her tomorrow or not.....see her or not ... see her or not...
 sometimes  gets me even number but most of the times odd number...

Six smiles can keep you stare...

One day i was going to eays have started staring at someone.. i dint know y...but  knew that it was her smile kept me staring.Felt like some hot rain drenched me on a winter night.
one..two..three..four..five..six...............  smiled six times... but i looked at her only one time..starting from the first smile till sixth..