
Gone in 60 seconds

Just now feel like going to cafeteria .As my wild guess always says she is there...yes she is.....
I started pretending like  watching the Pakisthan vs Westindies cricket match.I thought she would be there for some more time but by the time i checked out the bakery  she left .I could see only the  dress passing by.
Unexpected ending for today's expectation .she left the place  like a never return angel with unstoppable wings!!!

Pink mania

Again pink flowers on a white dress.I found her when i was about to leave cafeteria.Today i dint feel like going  near the lake so i relaxed at the lawn out side the office building.Its hot outside  so thought of going to library   which is surrounded by paper made books which are good absorbent of heat so definitely keeps me kool.i opened a book called "The Bangalore"  a small tree with full of pink flowers appeared.I Closed my eyes to escape this pink fever.. instead of seeing dark i m seeing pink colour  ..ohh god .. got back to the desk